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Secure Signatures

What Are the Levels of Assurance for Digital Signatures

What are the levels of assurance for digital signatures?

The European Union’s eIDAS regulation, which is one of the most stringent regulations in the world, outlines different levels of assurance when utilizing a digital signature. The levels of assurance are low, substantial and high and delineate the strength of an identity. The strength of identity is determined by the method of identity verification (enrollment) such as remote or in-person, the type of information known about the identity, and the amount of verification that is undertaken.

Low: Standard Electronic Signatures use self-enrollment with no identity verification or authentication.

Substantial: Advanced Digital Signature enrollment requires some amount of identity validation such as a one-time password or remote verification with authentication of the identity.

High: Qualified digital signature enrollment requires a greater proof of identity verification such as face-to-face, whether in-person or remotely (via video), or an increased amount of biometric match with multifactor authentication.

DigiCert® Document Trust Manager provides secure digital signatures that meet the substantial and high levels of assurance.