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What is post-quantum 


What is Post-Quantum Cryptography?

Post-Quantum Cryptography (also called quantum encryption or quantum-safe encryption) is a term to describe the developing cryptographic algorithms that will use quantum computers to encrypt machine-to-machine communication.

Why is Post-Quantum Cryptography Important?

Once quantum computers are capable of breaking modern encryption, new algorithms will be needed to maintain secure communications. Thus, PQC may eventually replace RSA and ECC as the underlying cryptosystem on which digital certificates are based.

How Will Post-Quantum Cryptography Impact my Organization’s Security?

The potential for future large-scale quantum computers with the capabilities to break many of the public-key cryptosystems currently in use would seriously compromise the confidentiality and integrity of digital communications on the Internet and elsewhere. Organizations that have not prepared for post-quantum cryptography will be left scrambling to secure their website domains, servers and other PKI infrastructure.

How Can Being Ready For Post-Quantum Cryptography Increase Trust?

Preparing for future security threats like post-quantum cryptography is critical for organizations that are trusted with private or sensitive information and personal data. By being prepared, organizations can increase the trust of their site visitors, customers and others who are sharing private information with their website. In addition, businesses can protect their own assets and reputation from being compromised or damaged and the potential financial impact of those scenarios.