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Identity Trust

How Do Enterprises
Use PKI Every Day?

How do enterprises use PKI every day?

Enterprises employ Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) every day either for web security, IoT devices or even building ID badges. Generally speaking, PKI is the system of processes, technologies, and policies that allows you to encrypt and sign data. With PKI, you can issue digital certificates that authenticate the identity of users, devices, or services. These certificates create a secure connection for both public web pages and private systems—such as your virtual private network (VPN), internal WiFi, wiki pages, and other services that support multi-factor authentication.

Why is PKI important to enterprises?

Enterprises require strong digital security to protect confidential business and personnel information. Public Key Infrastructure, or PKI, provides the framework to protect businesses against harmful and costly attacks by malicious actors that could compromise the enterprise and its most important assets. PKI also provides confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation for enterprise users, devices and systems.

How does PKI increase employee and device trust?

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) increases employee and device trust by authenticating the identity of users, devices, or services. It provides protection against spoofing or phishing of those devices, users or services. Without PKI, there wouldn’t be a strong sense of digital security in the organization and all types of data or devices could be compromised.

Why is PKI still the standard for managing certificates?

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is the foundation for managing certificates because it provides confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation. PKI relies on public key cryptography which is a universally accepted asymmetric technology that enables organizations and people to securely communicate while using an insecure media. PKI links the data in transit to the signatory and protects the integrity of the data.
