Healthcare Security

Securing every corner of
the healthcare ecosystem

Healthcare is a top target for cyberattacks—and the
consequences can impact patient outcomes. From
patients to payers, from data to devices, digital trust
is a must for the medical world.

The high cost of healthcare insecurity

Technology has done miraculous things for medicine—for both the patients receiving care and the people providing, paying, and innovating for it. But for attackers, the high value of patient data and the high number of attack surfaces turn the entire healthcare field into a gold mine.

That makes the industry a prime target for bad actors. And the consequences for patients and the organizations involved with their care can be incredibly costly.


Mortality rates increase for
46% of organizations where
attacks impact patient care.

Source: 2023 Ponemon Healthcare Cybersecurity Report

$5 billion

Compliance-related recalls and
lawsuits will cost the industry
up to $5 billion a year.

Source: LexisNexis


Acquiring new members costs
payers 300% more than
retaining the ones they have.

Source: MD+DI

    Protecting patient data

    Data breaches can impact patient safety

    Whether you’re a provider, payer, or device manufacturer, a data breach on your organization’s watch is bad for business—and dangerous if it disrupts patients’ care. In the high-touch world of healthcare, ensuring integrity and safety of data is non-negotiable.

    Maintaining compliance

    Compliance reduces risk—but it’s hard to navigate

    More connected devices, systems and software mean more streamlined care—and more exposure to security risks. Regulations can help mitigate those risks, but compliance is a constant battle for providers, payers, and manufacturers without the proper tools in place.

    Planning for future threats

    Today’s life-saving equipment is tomorrow’s danger

    Quantum computing will revolutionize healthcare. But today's medical equipment can't stand up to quantum's threat to current encryption algorithms. The long lives of data and devices mean a quantum tomorrow is a problem for today.


The prescription for your security problems

Protecting patients by protecting their data

Ensuring the integrity and safety of data with managed PKI protects patients from having their care disrupted by a data breach.

Staying on top of compliance

HITRUST. HIPAA. FDA. The complex compliance landscape is no match for comprehensive device, software, and certificate lifecycle management.

Protecting the future with crypto-agility

Attackers are playing the long game.
Transitioning to quantum-resistant cryptography will help your organization come out on top.

A positive prognosis for your security posture

From the pharmacist dispensing medication to the claims adjuster determining a patient’s insurance coverage to the quality-assurance engineer testing a life-saving medical device, DigiCert’s suite of security solutions secures every corner of the healthcare ecosystem.

 Related resources

Health Innovation Matters

Healthcare Cybersecurity with Mike Nelson


The Medical Device Manufacturing Toolkit

H-ISAC Takeaways

5 Critical Actions for the Healthcare Sector in 2024

Case Study

How DigiCert helps B. Braun deliver digital trust


2023 FDA Cybersecurity Requirements

Global Study

Preparing for a Safe Post Quantum Computing Future

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