Post-Quantum Cryptography For Dummies
DigiCert Custom Edition

Post-Quantum Cryptography For Dummies

Quantum computing is advancing by leaps and bounds. But how is quantum different from classical computing, and how will it affect you and your security? Here are your answers.

A revolution of promise and peril

Quantum technology offers incredible possibilities for advances in medicine, climate understanding, financial modeling, theoretical science, and more. But along with these possibilities, we face the challenge of seeing these incredible new computers used to fundamentally change the way we think about and apply long-trusted security measures. To understand this challenge, we need to understand quantum computing itself, and what it means to live in a quantum world. 

Post-Quantum Cryptography for Dummies, DigiCert Custom Edition, is your guide to both quantum technology itself, and how applications of quantum will change and challenge everything digital.

Post-Quantum Cryptography For Dummies
Post-Quantum Cryptography For Dummies

What do quantum and PQC mean for you?

Read the book to learn about:

  • The evolution of quantum computing 

  • What quantum computing means for modern cryptography 

  • How the threat landscape changes with quantum computing 

  • What you need to do now to get your organization ready for PQC 

Ready to Learn More About Preparing Your
Organization with Post-Quantum Cryptography?


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