DigiCert® Premium Support
DigiCert® Support

DigiCert Support:
Enabling Your Success

Plans that scale with your needs, backed by an
expert technical team to ensure your success

Service Level Agreement

This Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) governs the support plans for DigiCert’s Systems. Partners may purchase support during account enrollment or upgrade at any time by contacting your sales representative. Your sales representative will help you determine the level of support best suited for your organization’s needs.

This support plan applies to new or renewal support subscription periods started on or after the version date indicated in this document. For Partners with applicable services purchased before such version date, the prior support plan, if any, shall apply until the expiration of such Partner’s current annual support subscription period, at which time the current support plan shall apply commencing on the next annual support subscription period.


The following definitions apply to this SLA:

  • “Available” or “Availability” means the percentage of time that the Systems are available and capable of receiving and processing data from the Customer in connection with the applicable Systems.
  • "Customer Contacts” means the individuals listed on Customer’s list of contacts who are authorized to request support.
  • “Partner” means the customer purchasing products and a specific support plan from DigiCert.
  • “DigiCert” means DigiCert, Inc. or its affiliates that provide the Systems and/or services.
  • “Force Majeure Event” means an event beyond DigiCert’s reasonable control. This includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, embargoes, governmental restrictions, strikes, lockouts, work stoppages or other labor difficulties, computer, internet or telecommunications failures, delays or network intrusions, riots, insurrections, wars, or other military action, acts of terrorism, civil disorders, rebellion, fires, floods, pandemics, vandalism, or sabotage.
  • “Scheduled Maintenance” means periods of scheduled unavailability of the System in order to perform routine service maintenance, upgrades, and testing.
  • “Excused Downtime” means the percentage of time the Systems are not Available due to: (i) Scheduled Maintenance, (ii) a Force Majeure Event, and (iii) external network or equipment problems outside of DigiCert’s reasonable control, such as internet access or problems related to Customer’s third-party’s equipment, software or other technology.
  • “Premium Client Manager” means a dedicated individual provided by DigiCert to assist with strategic planning, incident resolution, and project coordination.
  • “Response Time” means the elapsed time between when a problem is reported by Customer and DigiCert’s initiation of a response to the problem.
  • “Service Interruption” means the Systems are not available.
  • “Severity Level 1” means the System is down or unavailable and no workaround exists.
  • “Severity Level 2” means the System is functional, but usability is seriously degraded.
  • “Severity Level 3” means the System is affected by problems or events that have minimal impact on availability or usability.
  • “Systems” means DigiCert’s CertCentral, CIS, PKI Platform 8.x, DigiCert ONE, and other specified systems.
Standard Support

STANDARD support provides you with access to our knowledgebase, tools, and experienced technical staff through self-service, chat and email contacts.

Business Support

BUSINESS support provides you with all the benefits of standard support, paired with access to priority queues, more points of access, and guaranteed response times.

Premium Support

PREMIUM support delivers always-on support with the fastest validation and support response times, as well as premium features that inform strategy and planning.

Support Plan Comparison




Service availability1

99.9%, 24 x 7 x 365 (excluding Excused Downtime)

99.9%, 24 x 7 x 365 (excluding Excused Downtime)

99.9%, 24 x 7 x 365 (excluding Excused Downtime)

Support availability

24 hours / 5 days (Monday-Friday)

24 hours / 5 days (Monday-Friday)

24 hours / 7 days

Self-service tools
DigiCert documentation




DigiCert support knowledge base




DigiCert status and certificate tools




DigiCert developer portal




Order validation processing
Priority queue


Support access methods
Chat (Email or phone required for DigiCert ONE inquiries)











Expected hold time

In order received

5 minutes

2 minutes


In order received

24 hours

8 hours


 5 minutes

2 minutes

Severity level response time
Severity 1 (requires phone call to DigiCert)

1 hour

30 minutes

Severity 2

6 hours

2 hours

Severity 3

24 hours

8 hours

Root Cause Analyses (RCA) and review2


Premium features
Dedicated Partner Validation Account Manager (PAC)



Dedicated Partner Premium Client Manager (PCM)


Monthly Strategic Planning


Online Training


DigiCert ONE Testing Environment


1. Service Availability changed to "99.9%, 24 x 7 x 365 (excluding Excused Downtime)" on February 1, 2024, and applies to service plans created and renewed from February 1, 2024, onward. Plans created and renewed prior to February 1, 2024, include a "99.5%, 24 x 7 x 365 (excluding Excused Downtime)" service availability.

2. RCAs will be delivered within 15 business days from a Service Interruption.

Systems Availability

The availability of the Systems is calculated on a rolling 90‐day basis as a percentage equal to (i) the total number of minutes in any such 90‐day period that the Systems are available, divided by (ii) the total number of minutes in such period. Excused Downtime is not considered a Service Interruption for the purpose of this SLA. The Systems Availability throughout each such 90‐day period will be no less than the percentages set forth in the table above. Be sure to subscribe to https://status.digicert.com/ for on-demand system updates and Scheduled Maintenance notifications. Scheduled Maintenance will not exceed four (4) hours in a single calendar week.

Support Response Times

If 1-on-1 partner support is needed, please contact DigiCert directly via chat, email or telephone to speak with a technical support representative. For the quickest response, make sure the Customer Contact list is updated regularly. DigiCert’s committed Response Times for Service Interruption are based on severity level as detailed in the table in Section 2.

Support Limitations

DigiCert does not support the following:

  • Development and application integration associated with third-party products.
  • Customized code issues.
  • Configuration support for products that are not produced by DigiCert.
  • Questions related to third-party applications must be directed to the application vendor.
  • Training for third-party applications or products.
Standard Support

STANDARD support provides you with access to our knowledgebase, tools, and experienced technical staff through self-service, chat and email contacts.

Business Support

BUSINESS support provides you with all the benefits of standard support, paired with access to priority queues, more points of access, and guaranteed response times.

Premium Support

PREMIUM support delivers always-on support with the fastest validation and support response times, as well as premium features that inform strategy and planning.

World-Class Support and Expertise to Help You Reach Your Objectives

DigiCert Premium Support draws on decades of deep knowledge and expertise in industry standards, compliance, and best practices in certificate lifecycle management to ensure a frictionless experience in meeting strategic and technical goals.

DigiCert® Premium Support

To Get Started with DigiCert Premium Support, Contact
your Account Manager or Email sales@digicert.com.