DigiCert Smart Seal does not set or use cookies of any kind.
Before you install the site seal, make sure you meet these prerequisites:
You must have access to and be familiar with your website code.
You must have a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript.
You must have the site seal code.
The site seal code only works on domains in the TLS/SSL certificate order. This list of domains is available on the certificate's Order details page in your CertCentral account. When you email the site seal code to yourself, Your DigiCert Site Seal email includes a list of valid domains.
Do not modify the ID attribute or the JavaScript. DigiCert recommends using the site seal code as-is. Modify the code at your own risk.
After installing the site seal code on your website, you can modify the site seal from your CertCentral account or via your CertCentral Services API integration.
Some modifications, such as changing the size of the site seal image, do not require you to reinstall the site seal code. However, if you modify the hover effect, you must reinstall the site seal code for those changes to appear on your website. For example, if you enable the hover effect or disable the hover effect, you must reinstall the site seal code for it to take effect.
In your CertCentral account, in the left main menu, go to Certificates > Orders.
On the Orders page, in the Order # column, select the certificate's order number link.
On the Order # details page, select Site Seal.
On the certificate's Order # details page, in the Do you need to install your site seal? section, you can copy the site seal code or email the site seal code to yourself.
The site seal code consists of two code parts: HTML and JavaScript.
HTML code
The HTML code, "div" container block, displays the DigiCert site seal on your webpage. Paste the "div" portion of the code into your page code wherever you want the seal to appear on the web page.
JavaScript code
The JavaScript code makes the site seal work. For example, the code makes the site seal appear on the page and styles the "div" container block. Paste the script portion of the page code anywhere on the page (for example, next to the "div" block).
When adding the site seal code to your webpage, you have two options: place all the code together or place the HTML code in one location and the JavaScript code in another.
Option 1: Place all the code in one location
Copy the code (HTML and JavaScript together) and paste it into your HTML document where you would like your site seal to appear on the page.
Option 2: Place the HTML code in one location and the JavaScript code in another location
Copy the JavaScript code and paste it into your HTML document within the HEAD section at the top of the file.
DigiCert recommends placing this code below any other JavaScript tags on the webpage.
Copy the HTML code. Then paste it into your HTML document in the location where you would like your site seal to appear on the page.
HTML "div" tag
You can place the HTML "div" tag anywhere you want the site seal to appear on your page. You can apply standard CSS styles to the "div" tag: in line with a STYLE attribute or by adding a CLASS attribute and using a stylesheet.
Do not modify the ID attribute. Modify the code at your own risk.
Site seal
The site seal itself is styled automatically via JavaScript.
Do not modify the JavaScript. Modify the code at your own risk.
The site seal information page supports the following languages:
English (default setting)
Español (Spanish)
Deutsch (German)
Français (French)
Italiano (Italian)
日本語 (Japanese)
한국어 (Korean)
Nederlands (Dutch)
Português (Portuguese)
Русский (Russian)
Svenska (Swedish)
简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
To change the default language preference for the site seal information page, add the "lang"
attribute to the site seal "div"
tag or root "html"
element on the page.
These language changes only apply to the site seal information page. They do not change the site seal language. Currently, the site seal only supports English.
– Englishes
– Españolde
– Deutschfr
– Françaisit
– Italianoja
– 日本語ko
– 한국어nl
– Nederlandspt
– Protuguêsru
– Русскийsv
– Svenskazh
– 简体中文zt
– 繁體中文
To set the default language preference for the site seal information page, add the "lang" attribute to the "div" tag in the site seal code.
Example of site seal code with "lang" attribute
<!-- DigiCert Seal HTML -->
<!-- Place HTML on your site where the seal should appear -->
<div id="DigiCertClickID_f8wBj4Ja" lang="es"></div>
<!-- DigiCert Seal Code -->
<!-- Place with DigiCert Seal HTML or with other scripts -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var __dcid = __dcid || [];
(function(){var cid=document.createElement("script");cid.async=true;cid.src="//";var s =
document.getElementsByTagName("script");var ls = s[(s.length - 1)];ls.parentNode.insertBefore(cid, ls.nextSibling);}());
To set the default language preference for the site seal information page, you can add the "lang" attribute to the root "html" element on the page.
For example: <html lang="fr">
A site seal does not work on a development/test domain if you did not include that domain in the certificate order. The site seal only works on the domains included in the certificate order.
If you enable or disable the site seal hover effect after you've installed the site seal code on your website, you must reinstall the code for that change to take effect.
When you renew a CertCentral certificate order, the site seal code generated for the previous order is still valid. You don't need to update the code on your website.
However, if you place a new certificate order that is not a renewal of the existing order, the current site seal code will no longer work. In this case, you must get the site seal code for that certificate order and update the site seal code on your website.