Announcements 12-15-2020

DigiCert CertCentral® Wins Best in Biz Award For Simplifying TLS Certificate Management


DigiCert is honored to be named a Best in Biz winner in the 2020 Enterprise Product of the Year in Security Software category for CertCentral. At DigiCert, we prioritize creating customer-centric solutions to simplify digital certificate management while maintaining online trust, and the Best in Biz award highlights that we are doing just that.

“For nearly two years, CertCentral has brought together the best features and scalability that the world’s leading enterprises expect from us, and it addresses their common pain points in an intuitive way,” said Jeremy Rowley, DigiCert’s EVP of product. “It’s an honor — and a tribute to our team — to be recognized by Best in Biz.”

While the recognition is an honor, more importantly, it matches what we are hearing from you, our valued customers and partners, about your experience with CertCentral. DigiCert was founded nearly 20 years ago with a mission to improve the customer experience and provide personal customer support, and this award recognizes that we are still continuing that legacy today.

With many of you being long-time CertCentral users, and many others having just migrated this year, our top priority is giving you the tools you need to successfully deploy and manage your certificates. We track your feedback closely and are very happy about the high ratings we've received, while acknowledging there is much more left for us to do to regularly improve your CertCentral experience.

We have even more exciting things planned in 2021 and we look forward to bringing more innovation and exciting features to you soon. Keep watching our blog and social media for the latest updates. Thanks to all our valued customers and partners for your continued support.

About Best in Biz

Best in Biz is the only independent business awards program judged each year by prominent editors and reporters from top-tier publications in North America. Winners in Best in Biz Awards have been determined based on scoring from independent judging panels assembled each year from some of the most respected newspapers, TV and radio outlets, and business, consumer, technology and trade publications in North America.

About CertCentral

CertCentral® is designed to help you manage all your TLS/SSL certificates throughout the certificate lifecycle. It can help you save time by automating key management tasks and centralizing your certificates in one place.

CertCentral brings all your TLS certificates in one place, a step up from using spreadsheets to track certificates and expirations. Administrators can easily monitor, inspect, reissue, revoke, renew and order new certificates all within CertCentral. The Discovery tool in CertCentral is a favorite feature of many enterprises. It enables IT staff to track where legacy certificates were acquired, regardless of which Certificate Authority issued it. CertCentral also automates tracking certificates to ease the burden on admins and free up time to focus on essential projects.

It is also flexible so that you can customize your options, and you can manage from a single certificate to millions, at whatever scale your business needs. You have the control to create divisions and sub-accounts, as well as role-based accounts. Of course, CertCentral® is also a secure option with encryption and analytics that enable you to fortify your website security.

If you don’t use it yet, learn more about CertCentral® and see if it’s right for your business.


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