Partner Blog 03-02-2018

3-Year Certificate Reissuance & Access to Order Comments

Kevin Brown

The following information is an update for partners for the weeks of 12 February 2018 and 19 February 2018.

View Comments on Orders

Partners can now access comments for new, renewal, and pending orders for all activity since 14 February 2018. Additionally, we’re going back and adding comments and authentication status to pending orders submitted before 8 February 2018.

3-Year Certificate Reissuance

As of 1 March 2018, all reissues for 3-year SSL/TLS certificates will be replaced with a certificate that is in compliance with CA/Browser Forum Ballot 193 guidelines and has an 825-day lifetime. We recommend reissuing your certificate as close to 825 days from the expiration date as possible to maximize the validity of your certificate and to avoid a truncated validity period. See the image below and this page for more details. For a more detailed explanation about how to get the full lifetime, click here.


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